1986, USA, Short, Black & White, 35 minutes
Directed by:
Todd Hughes
Written by:
Todd Hughes
inspired by the film TOO LATE FOR TEARS (1949)Produced by:
Todd Hughes
Starring: Kristen Vallow, Walter Barnett, Christina Lyons, Kai Mortensen, Kara Vallow, Jane Connors, June Omura, James Noggle, Michael Sexton, Steve Carb, Bryna Levin, David Romine, Adriana Notarfrancesco, Ian Bang, Velaire Renko, Andrew Perchuk, Michele Segre, Tom Yanni, Bonnie, Laura Leiblein
Music by: Cary Berger
Summary: Ivy Hotchkis (Kristen Vallow) is a beautiful and bored East Village performance artist who along with her boyfriend Tony Marachek (Walter Barnett) have infiltrated the elite and cliquish downtown art scene, which is reigned over by its queen Kay L (Kara Vallow). When Ivy is mistaken for a drug lord, she is handed a bag with a million dollars in it. Nervous nelly Tony wants to turn the money over to the police but Ivy convinces him to hold on to it for a while so she can come up with a plan. When private detective Paul Haller (Kai Mortensen) investigates, Ivy seduces and kills him. Meanwhile, Tony has won the lottery but finds out only after she has poisoned his General Foods International Cafe Suisse and he dies before revealing the location of the winning ticket. Frustrated, Ivy takes the money and plans to flee the country when new neighbor Coral Chandler (Tina Lyons) reveals the money is hers, hard earned from years of selling cocaine to children. A fight to the death ensues and the money ends up raining on the poor people of Morningside Heights for a bittersweet resolution.
Film Festival Premieres: WORLD PREMIERE Todd Hughes Retrospective, Altschul Auditorium, Barnard College, New York City (April 24, 1986)