2015, Los Angeles County Fair (awarded: Best Of Show)

The Ebersole Hughes Company are award-winning “tablescapers.”
Tablescaping is the art of setting a thematic table.

Entering the competition, we decided this was our last year, and so why no go for it?! More is more was our ethic, and when it was done, we were sure we had perhaps gone out with a bang, but felt certain the judges would give it a splat! In celebration of Technicolor, the table went from black and white to full color, and had a mannequin dressed as the spirit of Carmen Miranda overseeing it all. By this point, we knew the rules, we knew what impressed, we knew what flew and what sank. So, to be so bold, to be so old school in our references, to give a tribute to something most people might feel was obscure, to be so packed with STUFF — we figured the audience would have fun visually even if they didn’t “get” it, but the judges should have a field day ripping us to shreds. Well, cut to opening day and, gasp, we won the coveted Orange Ribbon again, and yes, for the last time. We kept to our word and retired from our tablescaping career, at the top.

And we wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.